Our members & partners share their valuable experiences.

Celest Ceres | Currant Member
“I’ve known the team at Currant Systems for over three years. In that short time frame, they’ve taught me how to see myself as a young entrepreneur who is cognizant of my community. By working with the homeless in the group’s Mastermind Program in 2012, I realized that even in an advanced city like Toronto, many people don't have the fundamental resources needed to get by every day. My volunteer experience with the group prompted me to co-found a charity, Sacraspice Community Services, with my sister, Crystal. The charity focuses on bringing wholesome and sustainable sources of food to Toronto’s underserved neighbourhoods. The team at Currant has always been very supportive of Sacraspice’s initiatives and connected us with other local grassroots organizations. If not for the support and resources at Currant, there would be no Sacraspice. I am grateful for everything that Currant does, and I am confident that they will continue to seek out the most innovative and sustainable solutions for strengthening our city.”
- Celeste Ceres
Crystal Cres | Currant Member
“As an aspiring entrepreneur, being a part of Currant Systems has been fundamental to my personal growth and professional success. The team at Currant has taught me how to plan business moves strategically, how to network with others, and how to tap into the resources available within the community. Currant works cohesively with one another, and encourages collaboration on all levels. The team at Currant has helped to develop me into a social innovator by encouraging me to seek out the most sustainable options possible for my charity, Sacraspice Community Services. Currant taught me how to hone onto my talents and use them in practical and innovative ways.”
- Crystal Ceres
Generation Connection | Currant Partner
“Generation Connection is proud to be a partner with Currant, providing entrepreneurship support services to marginalized and underserved youth in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Entrepreneurship opportunities are not equitable across the GTA, leaving many youth without the resources to be able to achieve their dreams. All youth, regardless of neighbourhood, community, educational status or past history, should have opportunities and support for achieving their entrepreneurial dreams. With equity in entrepreneurial opportunity, including access to funding and mentorship resources provided by Currant, youth with diverse backgrounds can develop organizations that will solve issues they have direct experience with, and are relevant to their communities.”
- Ushnish
More Moves | Currant Members
“There are many challenges we face as young entrepreneurs when starting a business. One of the major keys to success is having knowledgeable experts who are able to mentor you throughout the process of development. Currant has created these opportunities for the founders at More Moves Initiatives to plug into their system, work with experts who provide the resources to get ideas off the ground and be quickly put in a position to generate revenue.People helping people is a win, win. Thank you Currant!”
- N. Brown, More Moves™
Trevoy Williams | Currant Member
“Hi my name is Trevoy Williams and I am a self-employed, entrepreneur from Scarborough. Before I was connected to Currant, I was a student working two jobs, with diminishing ambition and no idea what would become of me. I had participated in many educational and professional settings and found myself desiring more.The support of Currant Co-Op helped me pursue my interests, cultivate my ideas and bring them to life. The business mentorship I received gave me a concrete foundation to launch my ideas. Thanks to Currant Co-Op, I was provided an opportunity to take the reins of my future. I won’t look back."
- Trevoy Williams